I HAVE just spent a very enjoyable two days in York, but, oh dear, what an expensive farce parking is.

Before I drove into York I had made sure that I had sufficient change for a reasonable car parking charge and I arrived at the Union Terrace car park.

At £5.50 for four hours I had insufficient cash. I started by trying to change a note at the public conveniences. I assumed that being run by the same organisation it would have a policy of assisting parkers; but I understand that as a matter of principal they will not assist.

I then started on the local shops but they were all wise to motorists needing change. The process of finding change took 20 minutes, and I suppose the only silver lining was that I was not ticketed during that period.

If the local councillors need to soak the tourists then at least give them the chance of using credit cards, or if they want to handle cash, then provide exchange facilities.

As a last resort if they do not want to provide either, then perhaps co-ordinate with the local conveniences.

A few observations might also not go amiss. Firstly, the council is inevitably frightening away external visitors, whom I assume, like myself, spend money.

Secondly, I associate such expensive car parking charges with councils which have lost control of their finances.

Lastly, I wonder how legal it is to have a two-tier pricing system. The Italians tried it and came up against the European Commission.

Perhaps some other philanthropic visitor might like to challenge it in the courts.

Neil Wallace,

White House Court,


Ashford, Kent.

Updated: 11:13 Thursday, November 18, 2004