I HAVE to admire NHS dentists who are sticking to their principles by trying to stay NHS instead of crossing over to the more lucrative private business of dentistry.

One of the reasons it is becoming more difficult for NHS practices to keep going is finding dentists to work for them.

I have a suggestion. It is a really simple solution and I am surprised no one else has thought of it. You see, if I was "Prime Ministress", I would make it a rule that newly-qualified dentists would have to work at least three years in the NHS sector before crossing over.

I realise that this proposal may not be popular with some dentists, but it would certainly be popular with poor Joe Public out there desperately trying to find an NHS dentist without travelling to the other side of the country. Get your teeth into that!

Cynthia, Berry,

Far Ings,

Wigginton Road,


Updated: 08:42 Saturday, November 13, 2004