CONSCIOUS of the comments made by CA Wood regarding GNER (Letters, October 29) I should like to add my support to that of others for GNER.

My job takes me all over Britain and I use nearly all of the rail companies on a fairly regular basis.

While Virgin has new and tilting trains they are too small and have a very poor level of service both from staff and through catering compared with GNER.

CA Wood comments on the cost of train tickets - yes they have gone up but should not the passengers pay for the train rather than the taxpayer?

I can understand GNER not investing in new tilting trains (I am sure they would like to) but if you were only given a two year extension would you invest millions of pounds?

I would like to thank GNER for an excellent service and staff and customer care second to none.

Richard Baldwin,

Acaster Lane,



Updated: 11:21 Thursday, November 04, 2004