FEW of us would disagree with pensions minister Malcolm Wicks that age discrimination in employment should be challenged (October 22). But we can't help noticing how the Government's enthusiasm for older working happens to coincide with huge public concern over pensions.

At the same time Unison members working for local government face new proposals to force us to work on to 65 rather than 60, despite having faithfully paid in pension contributions throughout our working lives.

The Government are refusing to negotiate, and consequently we have had no option but to consider industrial action in defence of our agreed conditions.

Surely what all of us in all sectors want is choice: to work on if we prefer, but to also keep open the option of retiring with a decent pension at a reasonable age. Pensioners have earned the right to choose, as well as the right to decent pensions and other services without the indignity of means testing.

Unison believe in a fair deal for all pensioners and we campaign in partnership with the excellent National Pensioners Convention.

The NPC are always happy to welcome new supporters and can be contacted at www.natpencon.org.uk or at 19-23 Ironmonger Row, London EC1V 3QP, telephone 0207 553 6510.

Unison also deplore the proposed closure of the Monks Cross Pensions Centre, which can only further reduce services to North Yorkshire's pensioners. We offer our solidarity to workers there and have been in touch with our PCS colleagues to offer any support that we can.

Ben Drake,

For the branch convenors,

York City UNISON,

Swinegate Court East, York.

Updated: 11:10 Thursday, October 28, 2004