IN reply to "Parents to blame" (letters, October 21), whoever wrote this has 100 per cent backing from me.

The "pond life" that hang around on street corners trying to make places into no go areas are a disgrace to their generation. This element give a bad impression of young people, when most are decent law-abiding kids, just enjoying their youth.

The police are banging their heads on brick walls. The justice system is a joke! Nothing wrong with the sharp shock treatment. Bring back National Service. If they still offend build more prisons, with en-suites for their parents.

Finally if they are bored why don't they get off the street corners and get a job?

The only time they seem to motivate themselves is to go to the post office to claim their benefits.

Stephen Lickley,

The Garlands,



Updated: 11:03 Wednesday, October 27, 2004