IT seems that I'm not the only person who is dissatisfied with the library's attitude to the music section (Letters, October 21).

I wasn't satisfied back in December 2002 when it was proposed that the music section was to be moved and plans were being drawn up for a coffee bar in its place. I frequented that section regularly looking up music information etc. At that time there was a table to work on, wonderful when some of the books I used were big and heavy.

On this occasion, the table went missing and a couple of book cases to be replaced by a smaller table and two computers.

I filled in a complaints form and Sue Clarke, customer services manager, said that it wasn't intended to preclude other services for IT and would look into my matter (which I assume they still are after all this time).

Today the coffee shop idea has gone and, you've guessed it, more computers have sprung up.

The nearest table to work on is at the far side of the library. I suppose it is good muscle-building exercises carrying the books there and back.

The books I used a lot of were about pop and country. There are not half as many today. I wonder where they went?

The removal of other music subjects away from the library and downsizing has created a great void in the middle of the room. I honestly think that that area is destined to be the IT section, after all there's plenty of money to be made from it and plenty of people to pay.

Will they keep on calling it a library when all the books have gone?

Kevin Horner,

Albemarle Road,


Updated: 10:17 Monday, October 25, 2004