WE know that trust in politicians is at an all-time low.

Now that everything we were told to persuade us that Saddam was a threat to anybody has been proved false, we are fed another untruth. The claim that the intelligence was wrong and the phoney apology for it is nonsense; the intelligence was misused by the Government to drag us into an illegal war.

All the above is bad enough but the sight of a Government minister making a statement to Parliament and not one

MP believing the statement was breathtaking.

No one believed Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon that no decision has been made about the redeployment of our troops into American areas and most MPs seemed to believe that the redeployment was designed to help Bush in his re-election campaign.

When a minister is so incredible that even his own side will not believe him, surely it is time he and the man who appointed him spent more time with their families.

B Emmerson,

Charles Street,


Updated: 09:14 Thursday, October 21, 2004