I HAVE this evening been sprayed with beer and verbally abused by a mob of racegoers while walking through York.

Am I really to believe that the races are good for the city? Do the organisers sincerely expect York residents to welcome these drunken visitors several times each year?

I must say that while the police were at York Station in numbers, there were precious few in the city centre when I was harassed.

May I suggest that visitors are kept away from the city centre in the future, and confined to the racecourse, York Station, and the route in between?

As a committed follower of the football club, I am used to being shepherded by the police during away trips, and I have never felt as threatened as I did this evening.

I shall be doing my very best to be away from the city centre during the Ascot meeting next year.

Matthew Flint,

Alma Grove,


...I READ with disbelief that the traffic control for York Races had been considered a success by Councillor Ann Reid (Evening Press, August 17).

The question I ask is: where was she observing this from, the moon?

I am a driver for Yorkshire Coastliner bus company. Maybe Coun Reid could explain to me why it took me one hour to make the journey from York Station to Knavesmire Gates?

When I finally resumed my journey at the speed of above two mph, I turned around to my passengers and explained to them that I was now running one hour behind the published timetable.

What Coun Reid doesn't realise is that Yorkshire Coastliner pass through York between Leeds and the East Coast trying to provide a regular and decent service.

Maybe she will have the decency to foot the £10,000 plus bill that Blazefield Holdings PLC could receive from the Traffic Commission for late-running services just passing through York, and then explain to the Government about the "success" that involves bringing private traffic into one of the busiest cities in England causing the worst congestion ever.

The only way of sorting out the problem with race traffic is to:

Build a private road off the A64 straight into the racecourse to minimise congestion on trunk routes towards the city centre, and:

Send all race traffic via the A1237 York outer by-pass. After all, wasn't that why that road was built?

Gareth Smith,

Denison Road,


...CONGRATULATIONS to Jackie Wright and her team on the traffic management at the Races. Tuesday's one or two blips were put right on the Wednesday and Thursday; it was lovely not having taxis using the streets of South Bank as a racetrack. If Ascot goes as well, I will be very pleased.

M O'Hara,

Jamieson Terrace,


...HAVING been connected with horses and racing all my life, I have visited York racecourse as often as most.

I have racked my brain to think of a way to solve York's traffic problems on race days. I have come to the conclusion that the problem is insoluble.

But I am certain the problem can be alleviated by racing at night and, if necessary, as the Arabs do in Dubai, under floodlights.

Ken Holmes,

Cliffe Common,


Updated: 10:13 Monday, August 23, 2004