HAVING done my shopping at Netto, I crossed the road to the bus stop to come back into the city centre. A bus was coming from Layerthorpe so I moved to the centre of the footpath to look for the number and put my hand out.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a bike coming between me and the edge of the pavement. On looking behind I saw a cluster of bikes coming into the same narrow space.

The authorities started this trouble by marking out cycle tracks on some footpaths, so now it is taken for granted that all pavements are cycle ways.

Isn't it time that Coun Ann Reid fined cyclists for cycling on pavements? There used to be warning signs on display about this offence. I am sure this could be lucrative in York.

Mrs D Goodwin,

Bishophill Junior, York.

Updated: 10:01 Thursday, July 29, 2004