We will take pride in our city and our local neighbourhoods and will work together to plan our own communities and support networks. Key organisations across the city will support neighbourhoods by working in partnership to ensure provision of accessible and flexible services, meeting the needs of local people.

York will be a great place to learn and do business; we will have a prosperous and flourishing economy, a highly skilled and motivated workforce and quality employment for all.

We will all be able to move around the city with ease, using effective and accessible integrated transport networks. York will be one of Europe's premier visitor destinations with a diverse and vibrant culture, set admist clean, safe and welcoming streets.

We will all, businesses and residents, take responsibility for the effect our actions have on the environment and we will work together to reduce York's ecological impact to a more sustainable level.

York will be a place where people experience good health and enjoy good housing provision. The potential and creativity of our children and young people will be encouraged and a culture of healthy living and learning for life will be promoted.

The quality of life will continue to improve for everyone in the city. Our city's heritage will be conserved and enhanced to safeguard the special character of York for the generations to come.

It is a plan for a city which wants to make its mark by:

building confident, creative and inclusive communities

being a leading environmentally friendly city

being at the forefront of innovation and change

being a world class centre for education and learning

celebrating York's rich historic past while creating a successful future

It is a vision which will transform York from a city which lives history - to one which makes history.

Updated: 12:36 Thursday, July 22, 2004