IN response to your headline "Scarred For Life" (Friday, June 9) and the samurai sword attack on Steve Johnson, yes, it was horrific and the perpetrators are obviously highly dangerous.

Questions need to be asked about the availability of such weapons to the public. It seems too easy these days for anyone to walk into a shop (and there are notable examples in York) to buy not only a Samurai sword, but many other weapons such as knives, crossbows and BB guns all capable of causing death or injury.

The Internet makes it ever easier to obtain all types of weapons with few questions asked. Stricter laws and tighter controls need to be put in place. No one needs a Samurai sword or crossbow in order to protect themselves!

The mind boggles at the thought of such weapons getting into the hands of criminals, thugs even someone with a grudge. The Government and society need to act now regarding the advertising and sale of weapons - of all kinds - before the problem gets out of control.

HO Griffiths,



Updated: 11:19 Thursday, July 15, 2004