CAN the John Smith's Cup still draw the crowds to York after 45 years? The roar of 37,000 people said yes as Arcalis beat the widely-tipped Promotion to first place by a nose in the big race on Saturday.

York Racecourse attracted its third biggest audience in modern times for the historic people's race day, despite grey skies and lengthy queues.

Race fans from across Yorkshire and the North East filled the course with families, birthday parties and stag and hen groups bolstering the colourful throng.

A group of John McCririck look-alikes even spent the day dispensing tips and advice to punters looking for a good runner.

Each of the seven races was closely contested, with trainer David Faulkner celebrating his first win at York in 37 years with Thirsk-trained Pieter Brueghel in the second.

James Brennan, of York Racecourse, said: "It was a hugely successful day. If there was a debate about the popularity of the day after 45 years then this answered it as people turned out in huge numbers."

He added: "In the end, the weather was comparatively kind to us and everyone went home having had a good day and the opportunity to sit on the lawns and out in the courtyards."

One of the John McCririck tribute group, Neil Linnecor, 35, of Lincoln, said: "We've spent two days in York and it's lovely. There's a lot more people here today than on Friday.

"It's packed and we get a great reception from everybody, especially since we picked the first winner. That's probably better than the great man himself."

Confronted with the seven look-alikes, McCririck said: "I'm wondering when the men in white coats are going to arrive and take this lot away."

Chris Spenceley, 23, of Middles-brough, travelled down with a gang of 23 men for a friend's stag party. He said the trains were jam-packed, but the atmosphere at York made it worthwhile.

He said: "It's all going on here today. I've seen a man running around in women's underwear. It's a good crowd, it's a shame that the weather hasn't been better and that we haven't won anything."

Deborah Cartwright, who travelled over from Huddersfield with ten friends to celebrate a friend's 40th birthday, said they were combining a day of racing with a night out in Leeds.

John Gonzalez, 23, a student from Halifax, said: "It's been absolutely packed. It seems there are people from all over the country and you have to queue for half-an-hour to get a drink."

Updated: 10:35 Monday, July 12, 2004