AS a recent graduate of York University, I think that we really have to think carefully before pressing ahead with a massive university development at Heslington East.

The idea that a university is a suitable use for a Green Belt is outdated. Much university activity is now commercial: a third of the new campus will be a "science park" for spin-off companies.

Planning guidance treats universities accordingly. If these plans go ahead, we risk transport chaos here in York, and yet more pressure on the housing market, with a knock-on pressure to build on yet more greenfield sites and vital green wedges.

The university is also being sneaky by pressing ahead before the Local Plan or the green belt have been finalised, and it is for these reasons that York Green Party is calling for a public inquiry.

Peter Sanderson,

York Green Party,

Heslington Road,


Updated: 09:56 Monday, July 12, 2004