York City's fight for promotion will undergo a tough test on Monday when they tackle the assault course at Imphal Barracks.

The squad will swap their red and blue kits for Army fatigues for a special training session under the watch of warrant officer Richie Groves, also known as the 2 Signal Regiment physical training instructor.

The challenging assault course will see the squad scaling 12ft high walls, balancing on beams and clambering up and over rope cargo nets.

York City player-manager Chris Brass said: "The lads are all looking forward to the challenge of the Army training session.

"It should be hard work and very tough, but it will be a unique opportunity for the squad and will be good for team bonding and morale.

"We would like to thank everyone at Imphal Barracks for the support they are giving us in assisting our preparation for the fight to get back into the Football League."

Following their gruelling session, the players will be taking part in the rest of the 'Army in York' open day with visitors being given the chance to 'beat the keeper' and pick up coaching tips from player-coach Lee Nogan.

Away from the football action, other attractions will include a display by the White Helmets Royal Signals motorcycle display team, and a freefall display by the Royal Signals parachute display team. Bands, dancing and Gurkha storytelling will also feature, while the more energetic visitors can have a go at an Army climbing wall or aerial ropeway.

Entry costs £3 for a family of four or £1.50 individuals with all proceeds going to charity.

Updated: 10:28 Saturday, July 10, 2004