AN INVESTIGATION has been launched into how charity workers managed to spark off a police inquiry by "cold calling" worried pensioners in York.

Bosses at Age Concern were left red-faced after it turned out that the suspicious callers whose appearance on the doorsteps of elderly people in Acomb and Chapelfields led to calls to the police, were actually theirs.

Officers began an inquiry when three pensioners reported doorstep callers claiming to be working on behalf of the elderly people's charity.

Age Concern York denied that any doorstep surveys were being conducted on their behalf and said their advice to elderly and vulnerable people was not to deal with cold-callers.

But bosses at the group later learned that the callers were in fact genuine marketing workers acting on behalf of the national group, Age Concern England.

Sally Hutchinson, chief officer for Age Concern York, said she was "furious" at the situation and accused the national body of "poor manners" for not telling them about the survey workers.

"If they are genuinely doing research and they have got three people worried about it then they are not doing their job very well," she said.

"We still strongly advise people not to engage with people on their doorstep and we would never call without a prior appointment."

A spokeswoman for Age Concern England said the marketing was being carried out in 120 areas across the country.

She added: "We are very sorry for the inconvenience this has caused those involved. We will be thoroughly examining the processes being used to carry out this research.

"We will also be reviewing communications with our local groups to make sure that they are kept informed of what we are doing."

PC Ashley Fitzhugh, of York Police, said residents should always be vigilant when approached by doorstep callers who turn up unannounced.

He said people should demand formal identification which should be checked with a phone call if necessary and that vulnerable and elderly people should use a door chain if the have one.

He added that if anyone was suspicious of a caller they should note their description and that of any vehicles they are using, and call the police immediately.

Updated: 09:18 Saturday, July 10, 2004