IN response to the article by Vicky Holman 'How to make sure your children keep their teeth' (June 24) I say before people start urging their MP to press for water fluoridation, as recommended by Dr Andrea Ubhi, first look at the Na-tional Pure Water Association's website:

There is lots of information plus some horrible pictures of teeth that have been affected by fluoride.

It would be yet another outrage if this chemical was added to our water supply. Not only humans would be affected but wildlife too.

If the population is properly educated about looking after their teeth and it is instilled into every child at home, school and dental practices how vitally important it is to care for them properly, we would hear fewer sad stories such as the five-year-old having to have all his teeth extracted. I do believe that teeth can be kept in good condition without having fluoride added to our drinking water and any attempt by the authorities to carry this out should be resisted vigorously.

M Bowker,

Deepdale, York.

Updated: 10:44 Saturday, July 10, 2004