MY sympathy goes to the rape victims who feel let down by the system, as reported by Ian Drury and Chris Greenwood (July 5).

It is a very sensitive subject for all involved.

This also happens when a man is accused of a sexual offence from a number of years earlier.

The jury has no knowledge of any previous allegations. Then the man is sent to prison, on the woman's word.

It would seem justice has been done, and the media have a field day.

Not so.

This same woman repeats this pattern several times in a number of years (believe me, some do) bringing years of untold misery to some innocent men and their families who are the victims of accusations.

Their names are made public for the world to see and condemn.

If justice is to prevail this woman is a criminal and should be treated as such. How can cases such as these be fairly assessed when these women can go about their lives with no regard for the consequences? What a complex justice system we have.

Sandra Howland,

Shaw Crescent

Huby, York.

Updated: 10:44 Saturday, July 10, 2004