THE White Swan Hotel has not been used for more than a decade (Diary, July 6).

Is this a long-term ploy on the part of the owners so that, if is left for long enough, it will have deteriorated to a point beyond return, when the only option would be to demolish it and rebuild on the site?

Heaven forbid this happens and we have another hideous "abortion" akin to the one in Davygate, (no disrespect to the admirable store installed in it), built about four years ago.

I should like to think the White Swan is a Listed building and if it isn't, why not?

Meantime, as the shelter for the homeless in Stonebow is creaking at its seams trying to cope with demand, why can't it be used as a temporary overflow site? The owners could be paid a rental and the property would be maintained.

It is a lovely building, it blends in with its surroundings - excluding those further down Piccadilly - and deserves better status than its present unwarranted neglect.

We have seen enough fine buildings in this city being torn down to make way for ghastly modern developments which blend in as aesthetically as a block of multi-storey flats would next to the Minster.

What of the Swan's future? If it hasn't been secured, then it is high time it is.

G B Ledger,

Horseman Close,

Copmanthorpe, York.

Updated: 10:44 Saturday, July 10, 2004