CAMPAIGNERS have welcomed plans to set up a peoples' panel to thrash out proposals for the controversial Castle Piccadilly area of York.

City of York Council is setting up a "reference group" made up of representatives from the local community, business, environmental groups and landowners.

They will have a say in drawing up a new planning brief, following the Government's rejection of the £60 million Coppergate Riverside scheme last year.

The original Coppergate Riverside plans proposed a massive retail and residential redevelopment of the Castle and Piccadilly area including the land around Clifford's Tower.

Dave Dee, proprietor of Dave Dee's Removals, in Picca-dilly, is a member of the Castle Camp-aign group, which lobbied hard against Coppergate Riverside.

He said: "I certainly welcome this. It's what we have been asking for all along. I'd like to see the small traders of York given a fair say on any future plans."

Philip Crowe, chairman of York Tomorrow, who also campaigned against Coppergate Riverside, has agreed to be on the reference group.

He said: "We are encouraged by the fact this reference group is being set up. We now hope the council will take note of what it says - the council must listen to what people say."

Bill Woolley, City of York Council's acting director of environment and development, said: "The Castle Piccadilly area is a site which has really caught the imagination of residents and visitors. The reference group will include some of the most influential campaigners from all sides of the debate.

"We hope that their input and that of local residents, at such an early stage of the process will help us create some guiding principles for the site that we can all sign up to."

The group will be independently run to ensure everyone gets an equal say and two council planning officers will be on hand to provide technical advice.

Updated: 09:31 Saturday, July 10, 2004