ARMED police in body armour cordoned off a York street after reports that a man with a knife had been involved in an incident.

Officers shut off part of Tang Hall Lane at about 5pm yesterday after reports of a domestic disturbance between a man and a woman. The man was said to have knife.

A man was found in Tang Hall Lane and gave himself up peacefully before being arrested, and taken for interview by detectives at York Police Station.

A woman living nearby, who did not want to be named, said: "The first we knew about it there were three police cars and a riot van in the street with police in full body armour with shields and guns.

"I had never seen anything like that before. It was all over very quickly.

"It seemed a lot of performance for not much to happen."

Local people said the police action only lasted for about 15 minutes.

A man has been charged with affray and bailed to appear at York Magistrates Court on Wednesday.

Updated: 10:24 Friday, July 09, 2004