I WAS surprised by your reporting of proposals to improve the youth service in the city (July 6).

Your comment section asks the council to consult young people. The council report you referred to already makes it clear that young people would be consulted about any proposed changes.

The report also makes it clear that the aim is to increase the opening hours of the youth centres. If the proposals go ahead youth clubs will be open for 52 weeks of the year rather than the present 38. There will be more youth work taking place than ever so it is misleading to talk about "youth jobs face the axe". It is true that there may be fewer part-time staff but there will be more full-time staff.

It is also true that there will be fewer managers and more staff working directly with children and young people. The proposals do not include any staffing budget cuts whatsoever.

Officers informed members through the report that the skate park is now overspending. There is no proposal to close the skate park, although it would be completely improper of officers not to provide members with all information. They are also being kept properly informed of a budget pressure and will deal with it accordingly.

The report recommends seeking additional funds for the skate park, but also includes consulting young people about which facilities they see as most important for them.

Murray Rose,

Assistant director access and inclusion, education and leisure,

City of York Council,

Mill House, York.

Updated: 10:54 Friday, July 09, 2004