LIKE a glass of red wine, Beth Chapman Nielson's gentle and stately music leaves a warm glow.

In philosophical mood after beating breast cancer, her music has a knowing sweep of styles - the sound of a woman intent on making a serious statement.

The material has been co-written with a host of names, including one of the greats of popular song, Harlan Howard who wrote of I Fall To Pieces. Her own songs aspire to that pedigree with the aching Touch My Heart coming closest of all.

Free also has a defiant swing in its step. There is also a happy ending with I Find Your Love, which featured in the Calendar Girls film.

Elsewhere Look veers into dangerously bland territory, an overused blend of country and soul that disgraces both genres. These lapses make it an album you may struggle to remember.

Updated: 08:38 Thursday, July 08, 2004