LISTENING to Bebel Gilberto's soft, honeyed voice on a summer's evening, you may be forgiven for thinking you were on a warm beach sipping a pina colada, instead of wrapped up indoors during a miserable British July.

The Brazilian singer everyone is calling the new queen of Bossa Nova has delivered her second album, four years after the phenomenally successful Tanto Tempo.

Here, she uses far fewer of the funky electronics that dazzled on her debut, but she presents a more relaxed offering with more English language numbers - no doubt to tempt a wider international market.

There is still a hint of electronics with faster tracks such as River Song, which mixes fast bossa beats with warm flute tones and Gilberto's magical voice. Sadly, a couple of gushy ballads, in particular the final track, Next To You, mar the sultry cool of the rest.

Updated: 08:39 Thursday, July 08, 2004