LIBERAL Democrats have blocked a bid for an urgent review of the impact of the controversial new parking fees.

It could now be next January before members of City of York Council debate evening and on-street charges.

Peter Evely, head of network management, told a meeting of Lib Dem transport spokesman Coun Ann Reid with the transport and planning advisory panel, that officers would prepare a report on the various parking changes introduced this year after they had been in effect for six months.

That could mean that councillors would not debate the report until January, as the final changes did not come into effect until May.

Labour leader Coun Dave Merrett called for officers to bring the review forward, saying that damage was already occurring and evening charges had come into effect in March. He said that by January, the council would be working on its budget for 2005/6.

But Liberal Democrats, who were in the majority at the meeting, voted his proposal down.

Before the vote, Mr Evely said that the January date was the "worst-case scenario" and it could be possible to review the evening parking fees earlier.

The meeting was debating a petition from Ebor Morris Dancers, who say dancing in King's Square on Monday evenings in summer is being made more expensive and inconvenient for themselves and other dancers they invite into the city.

Updated: 10:42 Thursday, July 08, 2004