OH no! The car drivers and cyclists are at loggerheads again judging from the recent letters printed from Messrs Usherwood and Hepworth. We must credit the readers of the Evening Press with a bit of commonsense, because they must now (like myself) realise that there are good and bad car drivers as well as good and bad cyclists.

Alas, I have a shock for Mr Hepworth if he thinks cars and any other vehicles using petrol or diesel will become extinct when the oil runs out.

The fact is, vehicles whether petrol or diesel, can and will in the not too distance future run much more cleanly on vegetable oil (which can be derived from oil seed rape). In fact, the unproductive vast amount of agricultural set-aside land could be used to grow oil-seed rape to feed all types of engines.

It is a shame the large petrol/oil companies are doing their best to suppress the development of vegetable oil-based fuels because they are making much better profits from crude oil, petrol and diesel production.

When oil runs out Mr Hepworth there will be something better to replace it, so you will have to try to get on a bit better with car drivers a lot longer yet.

Cynthia Berry,

Far Ings, York.

Updated: 11:14 Thursday, July 08, 2004