WHILE I don't doubt that street drinking is of considerable concern to the police and residents of York ("Caught out", July 5), it is unfair and misleading to make such broad generalisations about the behaviour of young people.

Most young people in York are not involved in street drinking or violence and are generally well behaved.

In a recent survey of youngsters, carried out by the Young People in York scrutiny panel, fear of such problems rated highly among 11 to17-year-olds and they too should like to see the problem solved.

Efforts are being made to address the "nothing to do, nowhere to go" culture and the perception that all young people are a threat yet many make a positive contribution to their communities and this must be encouraged rather than ignored.

The initiatives put forward by the police to tackle the street drinking problem, by working with local schools and parents, are both important and welcome, but please do not heighten concern by implying it is an activity in which all young people are involved.

Coun Ceredig Jamieson-Ball,

Chair, Young People in York scrutiny panel,

Emily Mews, York.

Updated: 11:15 Thursday, July 08, 2004