IT has long been the practice on Alexandra Rose Day for the Royal Naval Association to support this worthy cause.

Named after the Queen Consort of King Edward VII, it was her idea to form a Nursing Corps as part of the British Forces and, since her death in 1925, the Queen Alexandra Royal Army Nursing Corps has served this country well.

Recently Royal Navy veterans collected in the streets of our fair city in support of this wonderful charity and the results were astounding.

Perhaps it was because this year was the 60th anniversary of D-Day. Whatever the reason, children, prompted by their parents and the older generation who have their own sad memories and, surprisingly by many teenagers who wanted to thank their forebears for sacrifices made, all wanted to say their thank you by giving.

The Royal Naval Association veterans thank everyone who helped to make this such a really memorable day.

Bernard Hallas,

Publicity Officer,

Royal Naval Association (York),

Hawthorne Avenue,



...THE Alexandra Rose Day collection held in York on Saturday, June 19 in support of York and District Royal Naval Association and Naval Charities raised £958.

We thank all those who gave so generously.

M Farrington,


York & District Branch Royal Naval Association,

Cranbrook Road,


Updated: 10:05 Tuesday, June 29, 2004