I have voted at all elections be it general, county, district or parish since I was eligible to vote.

I have no intention of voting in the European election as I regard postal voting, except in extreme cases, as unnecessary and a step to ending democratic voting as we know it.

I would suggest that it is another devious ploy by this present Government to get its way.

I expect that there are going to be all kinds of underhand tactics employed when we come to the reorganisation of Yorkshire in the autumn.

Let's hope it's not postal.

Jack Hibbert,

Saxon Vale,

Shipton by Beningbrough,


...NO, Heather Causnett, I am not ashamed of myself for being a non-voter (Lazy with our votes, June 7). Give me a candidate of integrity whose opinions I can respect and who I know will act in my best interest, and I will vote.

I have neither met nor heard of any such in the past 30 years, let alone one I was entitled to vote for.

You may be one of the sheep herd voting at any cost, but I need a reason to make my mark.

K Barnes,

North View,


...WHEN I received my ballot papers for the Euro elections, I did not expect such a complicated carry on. Not just a simple task of putting a cross in a box, I've got to prove who I am. What is all this?

I passionately believe in voting. However that said, I'm sorry to say that my ballot papers have gone in the bin.

If I can't go to a proper polling station and cast my vote in the time-honoured manner, then I will not be voting.

I hope and pray that all this postal voting goes belly up and has to be done all over again, properly, at the polling stations.

Then I'll be there.

K S Chapman,

South Drive,


Updated: 10:39 Wednesday, June 09, 2004