I WAS 13 on June 6, 1944, D-Day and I can remember it as if it was yesterday. I was at boarding school, The Mount, in York, not far from my home.

My father was in the Air Raid Precautions unit and my mother in the Women's Royal Voluntary Service, my eldest sister in the WAAF and my middle sister in the Wrens. My sister's fianc was in a German prisoner of war camp, so it was an anxious time, especially because my father was a prisoner in the First World War in Germany. We listened to the events as they unfolded on the wireless thinking if it went wrong, we wouldn't see our 14th birthdays. Luckily D-Day was a success, England survived because of those brave men and Don escaped and came home safely to marry my sister, Joan. What a very sad state our country is in now, and those same men would be so sad to see it in 2004.

Mrs R Wright,

Vesper Drive, Acomb, York.

Updated: 10:13 Thursday, June 03, 2004