UNSUBSTANTIATED smear is an old political trick, but in particular Keith Orrell's portrayal of Edna Glowara as misinformed is a disgrace from an elected member.

Edna is a lovely honest woman who lives exactly opposite the gross over-development of 240 apartments and large hotel to which the council has given planning permission.

She is not mis-informed about the effect this will have on her life, should they be built. I wonder what Councillor Orrell's position would be if this development was proposed for Wigginton?

Edna, along with other fine people, helped to collect the petition and if any councillor has a specific allegation against an individual they should produce the evidence. If not, Keith Orrell should apologise to Edna and the rest should shut up.

As for his comments about the replacement pool planned for two (or more) years' time, we do not ignore this - in fact, we believe it is one of the strengths of our campaign in that we believe it is not an adequate replacement and was chosen in a dodgy "consultation" exercise.

If Councillor Orrell's department ever gets round to answering this council-tax payer's letters, we will have more to say on the subject.

E P Dickinson,

Save our Barbican Group,

Anne Street, York.

...ONE must really congratulate the writer of the questionnaire for the Barbican Venture Research (Evening Press, May 15). It is difficult to imagine how anybody could not answer yes to all of the questions other than number three. This was spin of the highest calibre.

Perhaps the questionnaire would have been fairer if it had included the following:

Are you happy to allow City of York Council to sell off a lease of prime commercial site for a 250-year period for the sum of £750,000, or some £50 per week, thus allowing all subsequent profits to be channelled into shareholders accounts, profits which will emanate from bars which will be open seven days a week, 14 hours a day; and, oh yes, a casino which we are assured will not come about?

Are you happy to see leisure recreational and sport facilities diminish in York? Where are the eight badminton courts to be found at the Barbican to be relocated?

J T Wartho,

Eastfield Lane,

Dunnington, York.

Updated: 11:09 Thursday, May 20, 2004