YORK MP Hugh Bayley has thrown his support behind our York Community Pride campaign.

Launched on Friday in partnership with City of York Council, we are calling on readers to nominate people they would like to see rewarded for their outstanding contributions to city life.

Mr Bayley said: "It's the people of York that make it great. We have a very strong tradition of community and social service.

"It's right to support people who make our city a better place to live.

"I shall be making nominations and I hope lots of other people will do so too."

The awards are divided into individual and group categories, and will recognise heroes from all sectors of the community, from children to charity fundraisers to businesses and schools.

The council is offering grants of between £100 and £1,000 to community projects organised by enterprising residents.

Tourism chief Gillian Cruddas said she gave the scheme her "wholehearted support", saying it was a good opportunity to reward those who were working hard to boost tourism in the city.

She said: "York's tourism industry is largely dependent on a friendly welcome and customer service - it's crucially important that we recognise that fact.

"This is good news - an initiative like this makes people feel good.

"Anything that helps to make York an even more beautiful place is a good thing."

The sooner we get your nominations for community heroes, the better.

Do you know anyone who is organising a project, however simple, that is making a real difference? Or a young person that you think deserves recognition in our Spirit Of Youth and Mother's Pride categories?

Or maybe you know someone working in the public sector who has gone an extra mile to help their environment?

If so, fill in the entry form on this page, remembering to include the category for which you are nominating your hero, and giving reasons on no more than two sides of A4.

Our judges will select three finalists in each category, and winners will be announced at an awards ceremony on December 1.

To apply for a Community Pride grant, phone the council on 01904 552049, or 552063.

Updated: 10:55 Tuesday, April 27, 2004