IN response to Mrs Tyler's letter about the inconsiderate, and sometimes dangerous, parking by a number of people at Monks Cross (April 19), I wish to inform her that this issue is being addressed.

After a meeting between the highways department and the local ward councillors a traffic regulation order is about to be issued allowing double yellow lines to be painted along Monks Cross Drive and Jockey Lane.

Many readers will be aware of the developments that have already taken place at Monks Cross and those planned for the future have brought a traffic nightmare to the area and to the highly successful retail park.

Businesses have had to instigate restrictions... to the detriment of their customers.

The actions of a few are putting other drivers at risk not only at the roundabouts but also their own colleagues who are trying to leave the Norwich Union site by parking on the junctions forcing them into the fast traffic without proper sight lines.

The yellow lines are not seen as a final solution but should help until the new Park & Ride is running which will give the people who work in the offices a proper alternative to driving.

Coun Keith Hyman,

The Old Village,

Huntington, York.

Updated: 11:11 Tuesday, April 27, 2004