ALLOW me to reply to RS Scruton's letter about future cycling schemes (April 19).

The report in this paper on April 13 was simply a draft report by the planning and transport scrutiny board.

It is not a declaration of what this council is intending to do in forthcoming years regarding cycling in York.

The report listed a number of suggestions for improving the cycling network. Many of the "crackpot schemes" to which he refers were proposals from the public and the result of consultation exercises.

It is quite reasonable that the board should have sought contributions from the public and cycling organisations. To do so is not the same as committing the council to those ideas submitted.

The final report will soon be produced and it will then be for the executive members on the council to consider the board's suggestions and recommendations and to decide which, if any of them, they wish to see implemented.

Regarding the expense of cycling schemes; cash for doing this does not come out of council tax.

Central Government will be funding the proposals in the forthcoming Local Transport Plan now being developed if they are convinced our plans will benefit York.

While we have a good reputation regarding cycling, it is clear that much needs to be done if we are truly to become a cycling city.

Among our priorities will be:

u To make cycling safer by creating dedicated off-road cycle tracks in the city

u To provide secure cycle parking (two sites in the city centre are now being considered)

u To expand the cycle network

Coun Christian Vassie,

Vice chair planning and transport scrutiny, and chair of Lib Dem policy group,

Blake Court,

Wheldrake, York.

...LETTERS on cycling from S Ward, P Hepworth and P Docherty (April 21) made some good points about the need for planning and provision of quality cycling facilities. What would be of benefit is having an orbital cycle track linking up areas within the outer ring road. We have sections already in place and the suggestion for an additional bridge would form part of a circular route.

The benefits of such a route would include better access to shopping centres such as Monks Cross and Clifton Moor.

It would also provide a route all York's cyclists could use for leisure and commuting, and for visiting tourists.

Importantly any such route does need to be open for easy access, without barriers littered along its length and constructed and designed to a high quality.

Is anyone willing to help raise funds to help this along?

Colin Clarke,

The Crescent,

Stamford Bridge, York.

Updated: 11:12 Tuesday, April 27, 2004