I AM delighted that my old mate, world sidecar champion Steve Webster OBE, has been recognised by the city of his birth with the honour of freeman of York (April 23).

Steve has continually shown the world what a priceless talent we have. But it is a shame he decided to display his skills on three wheels and not four: otherwise I'm sure he would be sharing a number of Formula One World Championships with Germany's Michael Schumacher.

Having spent three memorable years on the circuits helping Steve as his chief "fetch and carrier", I know the total dedication, commitment and tenacity his achievements have involved, not to mention his obvious talent.

Years of rebuilding and tuning engines until the wee small hours - or at least until we could get last orders in at the Black Bull, Tollerton; the thousands of miles driving to the Continent to compete in events; and, all this while, holding down a maintenance job at Nestl for many years.

No prima donna here, just a dedicated family man with time for everybody he meets.

Who knows Steve, if you win your tenth world title this year, your achievements may even warrant another mention on the Sports Personality Of The Year awards if time doesn't run out after a new darts or bowls world champ is honoured - or if England win a corner in Portugal!

R Lund,

The Wandle, York.

Updated: 11:14 Tuesday, April 27, 2004