THE recent imposition of evening parking charges in York's car parks has led me to think seriously about whether to renew my membership of three societies which hold their meetings in the city.

The parking charge of £2.70 for each meeting, in addition to annual subscriptions, could affect the survival of many of the small and medium-sized groups which add a richness and variety to evening activities in the city.

Theatre and cinemagoers also have the same problem and if they want to eat beforehand, the charge goes up to £4 for a longer stay.

In future I shall be going to the cinema in Wetherby which not only has free parking but only charges £3.50 for an adult ticket.

One wonders whether the council is interested in anyone other than drinkers and tourists in the city at night.

Will York become a cultural desert?

Marjorie Harrison,

Northfield Way,

Appleton Roebuck,


...AS a member of York Musical Society I have much sympathy with your correspondents who have had parking problems. I am also concerned about evening parking charges.

The society is only one of many groups meeting in the city centre in the evenings and the fees for parking will add up to more than the cost of a subscription which many, alas, will find prohibitive.

I hope this does not have a detrimental effect on the rich cultural and religious life of York.

I went to the inaugural concert of the Darlington Youth Orchestra in the parish church of St Cuthbert's in the centre of Darlington.

Not knowing the town, I was naturally worried about parking. But I found a huge car park next to the church and nearby Dolphin Community Centre where I could park all day for free on a Sunday if I wished.

The organisers were amazed at the packed church.

Could it have had anything to do with the easy, hassle-free parking which made concert-going such a pleasure?

Jill Shepherd,

Elmpark Vale,


Updated: 12:01 Wednesday, March 24, 2004