ANN (Don't mention the war) Finch has more spin than Alastair Campbell ("Stop Blair-baiting", Letters, February 20).

What I and many others who demonstrated against the war remember is that Blair took us into an illegal war in search of non-existent weapons of mass destruction. This war resulted in the death of more than 50 British servicemen and the death of unknown thousands of Iraqis and put us at greater risk of terrorism.

Now he wants to blame the intelligence services. What a hero.

B Emmerson,

Charles Street,


...THE unpleasant and smug letter from Jeremy Fox of Malton Avenue insults all residents of Kingsway North and beyond (February 21). He implies that one's postcode dictates your right to an intelligent viewpoint.

He appears to be so ideologically opposed to Blair that he casually dismisses the fact that this country is in a healthier economic state, with a better employment record than for decades - surely this is the acid test for good government?

Ken Burton,

South Bank Avenue,


Updated: 10:12 Tuesday, February 24, 2004