YORK is knocking at Europe's door - and it is about to open.

A formal application has been made by the York Tourism Bureau to become a member of the European Cities Tourism consortium.

There is optimism that it will be accepted at a three-day meeting in Brussels, starting on March 3, which Gillian Cruddas, the York Tourism Bureau's chief executive will attend.

European Cities Tourism is the leading professional network promoting and linking the tourism business interests of European cities.

The network connects more than 85 major cities from 30 countries. Members include Paris, Granada, Dusseldorf, Vienna and Moscow. There are strict guidelines on who can join which include being able to offer significant monumental and historic heritage and cultural events.

York has long been at the forefront of best practice in tourism and in the past many cities have shown an interest in how York's tourism is operated.

Munster in Germany, for example, copied York's Shopmobility scheme, set up to assist disabled shoppers.

Mrs Cruddas said: "We're operating in an increasingly competitive market place and by becoming a member of this consortium we aim to strengthen York's tourism industry by communicating information, sharing knowledge and expertise and working together on an operative level."

The consortium offers members the opportunity to represent their cities' interests to the European Union and other tourism organisations.

If York is accepted it will join other UK members, including Edinburgh, Glasgow, Notting-ham, Liverpool and Birmingham.

Updated: 10:04 Friday, February 20, 2004