Set in late 1970s America, The Bride Of Catastrophe tells of a young woman called Beatrice Wolfe and her quest for true love. At Sweetriver college, Beatrice spends much time with her glamorous lesbian English tutor, Philippa, recounting stories of her dysfunctional family.

A brief affair with Philippa leads Beatrice to believe she too is a lesbian, which confuses her when she emerges from college and develops an inexplicable crush on her male boss.

Like its colourful, garrulous cast of characters, this novel is often entertaining but sometimes downright confusing. More stringent editing might have brought out its strengths, which include sharp, funny insights into the follies of human relationships. After a weak beginning, it improves as it progresses, which is always better than the other way around.

Updated: 09:08 Wednesday, February 18, 2004