ATTRACTING visitors into York at night is an important part of the city's strategy for business and pleasure.

For this reason, the Good Evening York campaign should surely be welcomed. Here is a far-sighted initiative which aims to boost York's growing evening economy by making the city more open and attractive after dusk.

Such a drive could help build up York as an evening attraction by making sure our fine, historic city keeps up with other leading centres of tourism.

So what has happened just as this campaign gets into its stride? The Liberal Democrat-controlled council, having already alienated many city residents with a doubling of the ResPark charges, decides to impose higher car park costs at night.

The daytime car park charge will soon extend until 9pm, whereas at present visitors can park for free after 6pm.

Add to this the removal of free evening parking in streets such as Micklegate, and you appear to have a recipe for annoying and alienating drivers.

It is understandable that the council should wish to look for ways in which to raise funds. Yet these short-sighted measures risk costing the city money by making the city less attractive at night.

If visitors are put off by the new parking charges, they will not be here spending their money and enjoying night-time York.

The Good Evening York campaign aims to encourage more shops and attractions to stay open later, while also persuading more restaurants to offer an early bird menu. All of this could be put at risk by the changes to car parking.

York needs to be lively and vibrant at night - and it needs the sort of evening visitor who will drive in, park up and spend time here. As a letter writer pertinently points out on this page, encouraging wider age groups to visit York at night could help counter-balance the drinking culture.

Updated: 11:46 Tuesday, February 17, 2004