The Giving Campaign is urging companies across Yorkshire to get involved with The Big Leap - a new initiative that calls for employees to give a day away to good causes.

As 2004 is a Leap Year, there is an extra day in the diary and The Giving Campaign wants to see charities benefit from it.

The idea is simple; by giving just two hours a month to charity (in time or money), twelve months later you will have donated 24 hours - one full day.

Employers are encouraged to promote the scheme to employees, who can choose to give by volunteering time or making charitable donations.

Employees who choose to give money are encouraged to do so via their payroll, giving the equivalent of two hours' pay to their favourite charity and gaining tax relief at the same time.

If only ten per cent of the UK's working population made the Big Leap, charities would benefit to the tune of £300 million in 2004.

The Giving Campaign is urging all employers to promote the scheme to staff and is providing free information and support materials for all organisations who take part.

The Big Leap will be launched to the general public on March 1, but employers are being urged to register now on the website so they can receive the support pack that provides everything they need to promote the initiative to their staff.

Updated: 10:58 Monday, February 16, 2004