I NOTE with some disappointment that campaigners want permanent 20 mph speed limits outside all schools in the East Riding of Yorkshire (November 19).

This is a heavy handed and over-simplistic attempt at improving road safety.

Firstly, I understand that there were no child pedestrian or cyclist fatalities in the North Yorkshire area last year so this would seem to be another unnecessary waste of scarce taxpayers' money.

Secondly, schools are closed for some 14 weeks of the year, not including weekends and evenings. Is a permanent 20 mph speed limit reasonable during these times? I suggest not.

Drivers are more likely to respect a sensible approach to road safety such as locally controlled temporary limits, as used successfully by a number of other councils around the country.

Mass reduction of speed limits does not have public support, is a waste of resources, has a negative impact upon the economy and last but by no means least, does not have an impact upon casualty reduction.

Maybe if they campaigned for a stiffer driving test (to include motorway driving and improved hazard perception training), mandatory re-testing every ten years (and with it mandatory eye tests), then we may see the improvement in driving standards and resultant casualty reductions that we all want.

R J McBroom,

Westpit Lane,



Updated: 11:53 Monday, December 01, 2003