CAN anything be done about the increasing numbers of bikes stolen in York?

A colleague has had three bikes stolen within seven months and in all cases the bikes were locked up and not in public areas. But still the thieves were able to help themselves.

You would think there was a saturation point for bikes in York, with many city residents owning bicycles. Bike owners must increase security, especially with York being publicised as the cycling city of Europe. But bike theft is prolific. Better lighting and patrolling may help, but that costs money.

Many people try to use their bikes around York to get to work, help the environment and cut down on pollution. But if it is too risky to leave your cycle locked up for fear of theft, then fewer people will be willing to use pedal-power.

Justine Cole,

Russell Street, York.

Updated: 11:25 Saturday, November 29, 2003