TEMPORARY classrooms could be removed from primary schools across York to make up for falling pupil numbers.

Plans to remove classrooms at schools in the east and north of the city have been outlined in a five-year plan by York's Local Education Authority.

The School Organisation Plan 2003 - 2008 also includes proposals to change the catchment areas of Rawcliffe Infant School and Clifton Without Junior and remove surplus capacity at Tang Hall School, along with the controversial plans to change secondary education provision on the west side of York which includes Lowfield and Oaklands schools.

Schools in the south of the city including Dunnington Primary would have to take a larger capacity due to the numbers of children generated with major developments in the area such as Germany Beck and Hungate.

The proposals will be discussed at an executive meeting at the Guildhall, on December 2, at 2pm.

Updated: 09:06 Wednesday, November 26, 2003