AS the head of a friendly country which has been our ally in two world wars, President Bush is welcome here.

R Westmoreland (Letters, November 15) is also welcome to demonstrate against Mr Bush's and the American government's policies.

To write an intemperate letter abusing the English language with the misuse of such words as 'terrorist', 'moron', and 'Quisling' does not further intelligent debate on our actions regarding Iraq.

To many people the removal of a regime which strung up opponents on meat hooks and allowed no dissent whatsoever will be some justification for the war in Iraq.

To others the killing of innocents and of young servicemen would be enough to put them against war.

The questions of where "right" and "morality" reside are not simple and call for much thought..

A tirade against Mr Bush in frenzied language does little to achieve the peaceful, non-violent world which I am sure R Westmoreland would wish for.

B Roberts,

Stamford Street East,


...TONY Blair's recent statement that British troops could be in Iraq for years was a shocking admission of failure as is his willingness to see our servicemen sacrificed in a war of attrition for which he has no answers because he never expected it.

The bombing of the Italian HQ and the recent Basra bomb are a sign that resistance to occupation is moving south.

There is no way British troops can deal with a significant section of the population who detest occupation. The much greater American force cannot even cope with Baghdad.

I will never forgive Blair for the lies and his breaking of international law to drag us into war following the most extreme right-wing US administration there has ever been.

One which many American citizens also detest.

Political solutions are now required urgently, but Blair lacks the courage or morality to oppose the US administration by implementing a truly representative regional Iraqi government for the south.

There will be a protest in St Sampson's Square at 5.30pm tomorrow at the state welcome of President Bush to our shores.

Chris Clayton,

Hempland Drive, York.

Updated: 10:05 Tuesday, November 18, 2003