YORK Age Concern is holding a "winter warmth week" to ensure that older people are fully prepared for the approaching cold season and longer nights.

The charity was opening its doors at 70 Walmgate and 7A Acomb Court from today until Friday, between 9.30am and 1pm, to offer information and advice on energy efficiency, home protection and insurance.

Age Concern staff will also visit St Sampson's Social Centre between 10am and 4pm tomorrow with details of their specialist products and services designed with the over-50s in mind.

Terry Cogan, from Age Concern York, said: "Winter approaching can cause anxiety to many older people, whether this be regarding heating their home or protecting it from the weather. It is often easier to talk through any concerns face-to-face, so we are inviting people to pop in and put their mind at rest. A few simple measures in advance could mean all the difference and ensure that people and their homes stay safe and well."

Visitors to Age Concern can also receive information on its special energy package, developed in conjunction with Powergen and tailored to meet the needs to the over-50s.

Updated: 09:03 Monday, November 10, 2003