IN view of the recent admission price increases at Bootham Crescent and the disclosure that York City are continuing to trade at a loss, questions are once again being asked by concerned York City supporters.

It has not helped by the scandalous situation the club has found itself in regarding the Terry Dolan and Adie Shaw pay debacle.

Worryingly, it would seem that the board have got their sums wrong. If this is the case, then why?

Surely the new board must have learnt lessons from the arrogant and comical former regimes of Douglas Craig and John Batchelor.

I appeal to the board for the sake of the loyal 3,000 plus York City supporters who will pay, whatever it takes to support the team they love and care about. Please don't make the same mistakes as the two previous leaderships.

If the club's future is once again in doubt, then the board must be honest with the supporters and the chairman must not bury his head in the sand until the 11th hour.

If it means putting York City up for sale once again in the hope of finding a genuine sugar daddy, then so be it.

A Gibson,

Constantine Avenue,

Tang Hall,


Updated: 18:23 Friday, October 03, 2003