WILL someone pause to consider the effect that the proposed development at Osbaldwick will have on the area and its surroundings?

Firstly, a haven for wildlife and the last green area between York and Osbaldwick will be destroyed.

Secondly, the residents will be subjected to eight years-plus of disruption, noise, pollution, the devaluation of property and a possible increased risk of flooding.

Before a brick is laid on site the residents of Osbaldwick will have to suffer months of chaos caused by the installation of the new foul water system, plus the removal of the pylons and contaminated soil from the grid site.

I urge the 3,000 residents who received notification of the planning application to write, before October 10, and register their objections.

Councillor W H Hall,

The Village,

Osbaldwick, York.

Updated: 11:09 Wednesday, September 24, 2003