OVER the past couple of years, the truly arrogant parties in the sorry saga of York City's fight to retain a home in York have been Douglas Craig (and fellow directors of Bootham Crescent Holdings) and more recently Mr 'have a break, have a chit-chat' Galloway and City of York Council.

Of course, we must not forget that during the recent football versus athletics 'mania', the people who have the influence and the resources to remedy the situation for athletics in York have sat on the fence and watched, with their usual indifference, the potential demise of community sport in York.

I am speaking of Nestl, that well known billion-dollar multi-national, and its non-involvement in the above 'fiasco'.

Also, just where were all the so-called pro-athletics people while Nestl were discussing and acting upon their plans to sell-off various community facilities owned by them in York?

Mr H O Griffiths,

Post Office Row,



Updated: 10:49 Thursday, July 31, 2003