MY wife and I enjoy our Evening Press and find it to be a good presenter of the local news and usually, of the national news of the day.

However, your front page picture of Jeffrey Archer being greeted by his wife on his release from prison carried a disgraceful headline which did your paper no credit (July 21).

Lady Mary Archer has throughout the long ordeal of her husband's trial and subsequent prison sentence behaved in an exemplary manner.

Her husband, found to be a perjurer, is no worse in my estimation than many politicians in this country who twist and turn the truth in all directions to suit the need of the party, until it becomes impossible to recognise fact from fiction.

Jeffrey Archer has done his porridge and now has to rebuild a life. The sneering headline "Liar in the arms of Mary" was unnecessary even if it provoked a guffaw or two among the smart set.

Charles Rushton,

Pasture Close,



...THE sight of Jeffrey Archer on the front pages is enough to put the strongest off their tea and toast. I can't have been the only one to notice the contradiction in the supposedly factual prison diary of a master fabricator.

One minute he squares up to a fiendish drug dealer and claims: "I hate drugs and I detest even more those people who peddle them."

Turn the page and his best prison buddy is a Colombian drug-runner, who gives him phonecards, money and even a Spanish translation of one of his books.

It's the old adage - how can you tell when Archer is lying?

His lips are moving.

If Archer can't be stripped of his title, perhaps the Kray twins could be awarded posthumous knighthoods?

Colin Henson,

Moorcroft Road,



Updated: 10:51 Monday, July 28, 2003