YOU report on the proposal by Barratt Homes to demolish Burton Croft, the Morrell family home, and replace it with desirable "bijou" apartments, (July 8). The fact that council officers were prepared to recommend approval of yet another act of cultural vandalism beggars belief.

The application should have never seen the light of day but, once it had been accepted, it should have been soundly recommended for rejection and members should have been prepared to fight it on appeal.

J B Morrell in particular did far more than his fair share to change attitudes and make the city and its university what they are today, and the work he initiated lives on.

It is an indictment of the council that it did not take a firm stand on this.

The matter has been deferred for reconsideration. Is it too much to hope that the council will now use its best efforts to secure a satisfactory conclusion to this sorry state of affairs?

Philip Crowe,

Clifton, York.

...CAN someone please explain to me why Councillor Jones is so worried about traffic on Burton Stone Lane when 24 flats are built on Burton Croft?

Just around the corner 93 houses/flats are to be built on Bootham Crescent, which no doubt this council will eventually agree to.

How many of these homes are going to be affordable? Money does talk.

The council did little to help York City to stay at Bootham Crescent.

I am not writing this because I don't want the club to move to Huntington. I am a City fan and it will be much easier for me to watch them at Huntington Stadium.

I think this is typical of the "double standards" of the council.

Margaret Andrew,

Doriam Avenue,



Updated: 10:35 Thursday, July 17, 2003